Prevalence Estimates of Arthritis and Activity-Limiting Pain Among Family Caregivers to Older Adults
Shelbie G Turner, Jamaica R M Robinson, Karl A Pillemer, M Carrington Reid- Geriatrics and Gerontology
- Gerontology
- General Medicine
Background and Objectives
Little is known about the prevalence of physical pain among family caregivers to older adults. We used national survey data to assess the relative prevalence of caregivers’ arthritis and activity-limiting bothersome pain by caregiver and care recipient characteristics to identify which caregivers may be at a higher risk for physical pain.
Research Design and Methods
We analyzed data collected from 1,930 caregivers who participated in the National Study on Caregiving (2017). We utilized modified Poisson models to estimate adjusted associations of caregiver and care recipient characteristics with the relative prevalence of arthritis and bothersome pain.
40% of caregivers had a lifetime diagnosis of arthritis. 75% of caregivers with arthritis reported bothersome pain, nearly 30% of whom endorsed bothersome pain that limited their activities on most or every day of the previous month (i.e., activity-limiting bothersome pain). Regardless of whether they had arthritis, 51% of the sample reported bothersome pain in the previous month, 24% of whom indicated activity-limiting bothersome pain. Caregivers who were older or more highly educated had a higher prevalence of arthritis. Black caregivers had a lower prevalence of arthritis and activity-limiting bothersome pain compared to White caregivers. Caregivers with physical difficulty providing care had higher prevalence of arthritis and activity-limiting bothersome pain than caregivers without physical difficulty providing care.
Discussion and Implications
Arthritis and activity-limiting bothersome pain are highly prevalent among caregivers. Given increased prevalence of pain among certain caregivers, it may be efficient to target these groups for pain management interventions.