Stefano Concheri, Alessandra Deretti, Giulia Tealdo, Elisabetta Zanoletti

Prognostic Factors for Hearing Preservation Surgery in Small Vestibular Schwannoma

  • Podiatry
  • Otorhinolaryngology

Objective: to evaluate recent contributions to the literature on prognostic factors of hearing preservation in small vestibular schwannoma microsurgery. Methods: review of the most recent studies. Results: factors such as tumor size, preoperative hearing status, tumor growth rate, tumor origin, surgical approach, radiological characteristics, results of preoperative neurophysiological tests, preoperative symptoms and demographic features have been investigated and some of them reported to be significant in the prediction of hearing preservation. Conclusions: tumor size and preoperative hearing status are the most impactful factors and play a key role in patient selection for hearing preservation surgery. Other features such as fundal extension, tumor origin and impaired ABR could have prognostic value on hearing preservation. Tumor growth rate, preoperative impedance, cVEMPs and age have also recently been found to be significant, but more studies are needed. The role of preoperative tinnitus, vertigo and gender is lacking and controversial, whereas the differences between available surgical approaches have been smoothed out in recent years.

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