DOI: 10.1155/2024/3314308 ISSN: 1099-114X

Rational Design of a Graphene Oxide–Coated Separator for Thermally and Mechanically Stable Li Metal Anode

HeeYoung Lim, Han Na Na, Eun Jung Jung, Wook Ahn, Jong Bae Park, John Hong, Young-Woo Lee
  • Energy Engineering and Power Technology
  • Fuel Technology
  • Nuclear Energy and Engineering
  • Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment

Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries are widely used in high-performance energy storage applications because of their high energy density. However, safety concerns related to thermal runaway remain a significant challenge for Li-ion batteries. Electrolyte leakage and dendrite formation can trigger thermal runaway, and these factors typically damage traditional polyethylene (PE) separators. Consequently, these separators struggle under extreme conditions and fail to control dendrite growth. In this study, we proposed a solution by coating PE separators with graphene oxide (GO) layers. GO, as a ceramic material, provides superior thermal and mechanical stability compared with polymers. Moreover, GO-coated PE separators (GO-S) do not compromise the advantages of PE separators and effectively manage dendrite growth. In this study, the as-prepared GO-S exhibits excellent electrochemical properties in terms of high ionic conductivity, suppression of Li dendrite growth during charge/discharge process, and long-term cyclability for 7,000 h (3,500 cycles) as well as high thermal stability even after heat treatment of 100°C. Thus, we expect that this research can highlight the potential application of functionalized GO sheets in addressing the thermal and mechanical limitations of polymer-based separators, thereby enhancing the safety and reliability of Li-ion batteries.

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