DOI: 10.3390/wevj15040168 ISSN: 2032-6653

Research on Obstacle Avoidance Trajectory Planning for Autonomous Vehicles on Structured Roads

Yunlong Li, Gang Li, Kang Peng
  • Automotive Engineering

This paper focuses on the obstacle avoidance trajectory planning problem for autonomous vehicles on structured roads. The objective is to design a trajectory planning algorithm that can ensure vehicle safety and comfort and satisfy the rationality of traffic regulations. This paper proposes a path and speed decoupled planning method for non-split vehicle trajectory planning on structured roads. Firstly, the path planning layer adopts the improved artificial potential field method. The obstacle-repulsive potential field, gravitational potential field, and fitting method of the traditional artificial potential field are improved. Secondly, the speed planning aspect is performed in the Frenet coordinate system. Speed planning is accomplished based on S-T graph construction and solving convex optimization problems. Finally, simulation and experimental verification are performed. The results show that the method proposed in this paper can significantly improve the safety and comfortable riding of the vehicle.

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