DOI: 10.2166/aqua.2023.106 ISSN: 2709-8028

Reservoir operation management using a new hybrid algorithm of Invasive Weed Optimization and Cuckoo Search Algorithm

Mugdha Trivedi, R. K. Shrivastava
  • Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law
  • Pollution
  • Water Science and Technology
  • Ecology
  • Civil and Structural Engineering
  • Environmental Engineering


Water scarcity throughout the world has led to major difficulties and complexities in managing water demands. These challenges gravitate towards the development of efficient methods for optimal reservoir operation. The present study aims to introduce a hybrid approach which integrates Invasive Weed Optimization (IWO) and Cuckoo Search Algorithm (CSA), with an objective to minimize the deficits for Indira Sagar Reservoir (ISR), India. To prevail over the limitations of the Weed Optimization Algorithm (WOA) and CSA, a critical comparison has been made in the study. The hybrid approach has improved the performance by 5 and 9% as compared to WOA and CSA, respectively. For the reservoir system, the Cv for 10 random runs was computed to be 0.0303 using the hybrid model, whereas for WOA and CSA, Cv was 0.22034 and 0.30698, respectively. Based on the performance measuring indices, results revealed that the hybrid model is more reliable and sustainable with the minimum error between release and demand. In addition, results reveal that the deficits have been reduced by 62% on average for the considered study period using the hybrid approach. Therefore, the results show that the proposed hybrid model has considerable potential to be used as an optimizer for complex reservoir operation problems.

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