BORIS : a free, versatile open‐source event‐logging software for video/audio coding and live observations
Olivier Friard, Marco Gamba - Ecological Modeling
- Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
Quantitative aspects of the study of animal and human behaviour are increasingly relevant to test hypotheses and find empirical support for them. At the same time, photo and video cameras can store a large number of video recordings and are often used to monitor the subjects remotely. Researchers frequently face the need to code considerable quantities of video recordings with relatively flexible software, often constrained by species‐specific options or exact settings.
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Once the coding process is completed, the program can extract a time‐budget or single or grouped observations automatically and present an at‐a‐glance summary of the main behavioural features. The observation data and time‐budget analysis can be exported in many common formats (