Seeking shade equity: Tree canopy coverage in public schools in Austin, TX
Georgia E. Williams, Dayna G. Diven - Dermatology
- Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health
Tree canopies have dermatologic and environmental benefits, especially on school campuses. However, inequities likely exist, and tree planting initiatives may further exacerbate disparities. We sought to identify any relationship between tree canopy shade on public school campuses in Austin, TX and the socioeconomic makeup of the student population, as well as whether current initiatives appropriately address any inequities.
In this cross‐sectional study, we used ArcGIS, a publicly available geographic information system (GIS), to calculate the percentage of tree canopy on campuses within the Austin Independent School District (AISD) for the years 2006 and 2022. We compared this with the percentage of students eligible for free and reduced meals (FRM) at each school. The percentages of FRM‐eligible students were also compared for “low priority” versus “high priority” neighborhoods, as assigned by Austin's Tree Priority Map.
Among 112 schools analyzed, schools with minority FRM‐eligible students had significantly more tree canopy compared to schools with majority FRM‐eligible students (19.9% vs. 12.4%, p < .001). When comparing tree priorities, there was a significant difference between the percentage of FRM‐eligible students in “low priority” schools compared to “high priority” schools (23.8% vs. 62.2%, p < .001).
Additional work is needed to rectify inequities in tree canopy access for public school students. Designations such as those used in Austin's Tree Priority Map would likely help direct such efforts. We hope this study encourages future research with GIS by both dermatologists and other health care professionals to promote interdisciplinary work with urban planners.