DOI: 10.2217/rme-2023-0183 ISSN: 1746-0751

Signal transduction pathways alter the molecular cargo of extracellular vesicles: implications in regenerative medicine

Prajakta Teli, Anuradha Vaidya, Vaijayanti Kale
  • Embryology
  • Biomedical Engineering

Extracellular vesicles (EVs) possess regenerative properties and are also considered as future vaccines. All types of cells secrete EVs; however, the amount of EVs secreted by the cells varies under various physiological as well as pathological states. Several articles have reviewed the molecular composition and potential therapeutic applications of EVs. Likewise, the ‘sorting signals’ associated with specific macromolecules have also been identified, but how the signal transduction pathways prevailing in the parent cells alter the molecular profile of the EVs or the payload they carry has not been sufficiently reviewed. Here, we have specifically discussed the implications of these alterations in the macromolecular cargo of EVs for their therapeutic applications in regenerative medicine.

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