Sporting Event Quality: Destination Image, Tourist Satisfaction, and Destination Loyalty
Echo Perdana Kusumah, Nanang Wahyudin- Marketing
- Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management
- Business and International Management
The purpose of this study is to examine the structural connections between the image of a destination, event quality, tourist satisfaction, and loyalty to the destination in the context of World Superbike competitions. The suggested model's structural correlations between variables were tested using structural equation modeling with data from 254 individuals utilizing the bootstrapping method. The study's findings demonstrated a direct correlation between tourist perceptions of a destination and their level of satisfaction throughout their visit. There is evidence that tourist satisfaction completely mediates relationships between a destination's image and destination loyalty. This study confirms the importance of including quality in tourism destination models, and it shows that events like the World Superbike Series are an integral part of marketing plans that aim to increase destination image, tourist satisfaction, and destination loyalty.