Chhaya Rani Shevra, Mayank Singh, Bhupendra Singh, Jitendra Yadav

Study of Expression of p63 and Ki-67 in Normal, Dysplastic, and Malignant Lesions of Oral Mucosa

  • Cell Biology
  • Developmental Biology
  • Embryology
  • Anatomy

Background: The oral cavity is the most common site of cancer in the Indian subcontinent contributing to one-third of all cancers. The prognosis of oral dysplasia and malignant lesions can be predicted by both clinicopathological parameters and molecular markers. Aims and Objectives: The present study was undertaken to examine and compare the expression profile of cell cycle regulatory proteins p63 and Ki-67 in normal dysplastic and malignant lesions of oral mucosa and its correlation with prognosis. Settings and Design: This was a retrospective case–control study in a tertiary referral center. Materials and Methods: We evaluated and compared the expression profile of antigens p63 and Ki-67 on 60 cases of histologically proven oral dysplastic and malignant lesions oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC – 35 cases), oral epithelial dysplasia (OED – 15 cases), and 10 cases of benign and inflammatory oral lesions. Statistical Analysis: Mean and standard deviation were calculated and ANOVA statistical test was used to compare the data. Results: The mean labeling index of p63 and KI-67 was higher in OSCC than OED and minimum in inflammatory (controls) groups. Conclusion: p63 expression had a positive correlation with Ki-67 expression. Thus, p63 and Ki-67 may be a marker for tumorigenesis and tumor cell proliferation.

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