DOI: 10.1111/nicc.13006 ISSN: 1362-1017

The accuracy of radial artery applanation tonometry and intra‐arterial blood pressure monitoring in critically ill patients: An evidence‐based review

Amber Leigh Borg, Josef Trapani
  • Critical Care Nursing


The invasive intra‐arterial approach is the gold standard for measuring blood pressure in intensive care units where accuracy is crucial. However, invasive procedures increase the risk of infections and mortality. This evidence‐based review aimed to determine whether continuous non‐invasive blood pressure (CNIBP) monitoring, using Radial Artery Applanation Tonometry (RAAT) devices, is as accurate as invasive methods. Six papers were included: three prospective cohort studies and three comparative studies. Most studies showed that mean arterial pressure is accurately recorded through RAAT monitoring; however, more research is needed to assess the accuracy of non‐invasive readings of systolic and diastolic blood pressures, as data are not always concordant.

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