DOI: 10.1027/1864-1105/a000268 ISSN: 1864-1105

The Cost of Clairvoyance

James Alex Bonus, Tim Wulf, Nicholas L. Matthews

Abstract: Three weeks before the release of Star Wars VIII: The Last Jedi, participants viewed a trailer for the movie and predicted how happy and nostalgic it would make them feel. Three weeks after release, they indicated whether they saw the movie and (if so) their affective reactions while viewing it and their overall evaluation of it (i.e., enjoyment and appreciation). Results indicated that forecasted nostalgia (but not happiness) predicted whether or not participants saw the movie. Moreover, enjoyment and appreciation of the film were higher among participants who experienced more happiness and nostalgia than forecasted, whereas enjoyment and appreciation were lower among participants who experienced less happiness and nostalgia than forecasted.

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