Olga González-Morales, Angélica Contreras-Cueva, Rocío Peña Vázquez

The Effectiveness of Entrepreneurship Policies in Europe and the Influence of the Eurozone

  • Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous)
  • Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous)
  • Social Psychology

Abstract The promotion of entrepreneurship is a priority objective for the European Union. Each country develops the most appropriate instruments for its economic structure; however, its effects are different depending on the conditions of its environment. The objective of this work is to study whether there are significant differences among European countries depending on whether or not they belong to the Eurozone. A panel data regression model is used to assess the contribution of the different policies to the rate of entrepreneurial activity. The results show that the experts’ evaluations of the implemented policies are higher in the member states of the monetary union. Policies with a negative impact are recurring demands from employers (bureaucracy, tax barriers, improve physical infrastructure).

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