Gakuto Kitamura, Manabu Nankaku, Takuma Yuri, Shinichi Kuriyama, Shinichiro Nakamura, Kohei Nishitani, Ryosuke Ikeguchi, Shuichi Matsuda

The predictors for the knee extension strength at 2 years after total knee arthroplasty using regression tree analysis

  • Rehabilitation
  • Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation

Abstract Objective To clarify the interactive combinations of clinical factors associated with knee extension strength (KES) 2 years after TKA. Design A retrospective cohort study was conducted on 264 patients who underwent TKA. KES was assessed preoperatively, 3 weeks, and 2 years after TKA. Physical functions were measured with 10 m walking test (10MWT), Timed-up and Go test (TUG), one-leg standing time, isometric knee flexion strength, knee joint stability, knee pain, femora-tibial angle, and passive knee extension and flexion angle before surgery as a baseline and 3 weeks after TKA as acute phase. Regression tree analysis was conducted to clarify the interactive combinations that accurately predict the KES 2 years after TKA. Results Operational side KES (> 1.00 Nm/kg) at acute phase was the primal predictor for the highest KES at 2 years after TKA. Acute phase TUG (≤ 10.13 seconds) and baseline 10MWT (≤ 11.72 seconds) was the second predictor. Acute phase non-operative side KES (> 0.90 Nm/kg) was also selected as the predictor. Conclusion This study demonstrated that KES or TUG in the acute phase and 10MWT before TKA are useful for estimating the KES after TKA. The results will help determine specific postoperative rehabilitation goals and training options.

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