Mariana Vásquez-Álvarez, Qian Wang, Uriel Zapata

The Use of Platelet Concentrates in the Reconstruction of the Alveolar Cleft Defect: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

  • Otorhinolaryngology
  • Oral Surgery

Objective Evaluate quantitative and qualitative outputs when comparing the incidence of platelet concentrates (PCs) combined with autogenous bone grafts to an autograft control group for the reconstruction of alveolar cleft defects. Design Systematic review and meta-analysis. Patients/Participants Randomized and nonrandomized controlled clinical trials where PCs were used in the reconstruction of alveolar cleft defects. Interventions Use of PCs in combination with autogenous bone graft in the experimental group and autogenous bone graft alone in the control group. Main Outcome Measure(s) Average bone formation and bone density were evaluated, mean differences were calculated and pooled by a meta-analysis technique. Additionally, clinical outcomes such as wound dehiscence, closure of the oronasal fistula, pain, swelling, discharges, infections, and bleeding were considered in the qualitative synthesis. Results After an evaluation of forty-nine articles, nineteen were considered for the review. The qualitative assessment of bone density, bone formation, and clinical outcomes showed no differences between groups in most of the included studies. The meta-analysis showed no statistical differences between PCs groups when compared to the control group in bone density at three months (mean difference 45.67 HU, P = .23) and six months (mean difference 48.57 HU, P = .64). Neither were statistical differences in the percentage of regenerated bone volume at six months (mean difference 6.39%, P = .15) and the volume of newly formed bone at 12 months (mean difference 0.37 mm3, P = .99). Conclusions There were no significant differences in terms of bone formation, bone density, and clinical outputs between groups.

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