Treatment of Necrotizing Fasciitis with NovoSorb® Biodegradable Temporizing Matrix™ and RECELL® Autologous Skin Cell Suspension: A Case Series
Cindy L Austin, Oluwafolaranmi E Sodade, Brody Harrison, Krisi Causa- Rehabilitation
- Emergency Medicine
- Surgery
This case series reviews the management of two patients who developed a rare, aggressive soft tissue infection, Necrotizing Fasciitis treated with a synthetic polyurethane dermal regenerative template, Biodegradable Temporizing Matrix (NovoSorb® BTM) in conjunction with an off-label use of RECELL® device applying autologous skin cell suspension and a split-thickness skin graft for reconstruction. The clinical relevance describes a non-traditional patient’s course of treatment and clinical outcome using BTM® and RECELL® for Necrotizing Fasciitis. The two patients survived with acceptable outcomes and timely healing despite a high chance of mortality and likely amputation secondary to the extensive surface area and anatomical location of infection.