DOI: 10.33642/ijhass.v8n11p1 ISSN: 2471-7576

Work-Related Stress and Organizational Well-Being: Psychological Aspects

Maria Anna Formisano, Ph.D.
  • Pharmacology (medical)
  • Complementary and alternative medicine
  • Pharmaceutical Science

Organizations have specific goals and targeted objectives, but often the life of an organization is influenced by different variables that affect people's quality of life and their health. The World Health Organization defines health as «a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or disability». Understanding the importance of individual and organizational health allows for greater knowledge of the phenomena of malaise, discomfort, and work-related stress. For this reason, the preliminary evaluation and multidimensional analysis of all the variables, which can cause forms of discomfort such as work-related stress, become fundamental. Furthermore, let's not forget that each person is a member of the organizational community. For these reasons, each acts based on his emotions, his knowledge, his affectivity, and his personality. Unfortunately, however, this individual action has repercussions on collective action. And here is a real chain reaction. This article will examine the importance of psychophysical well-being and any states of discomfort that could lead to work-related stress. The study aims to implement a project based on sustainability and organizational well-being.

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