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Il forum di CiteDrive si è trasferito nelle Discussioni di GitHub

We at CiteDrive are thrilled to announce that we have recently moved our discussion forums to GitHub Discussions. This move was made with the aim of providing our users with a better and more streamlined platform for discussing and sharing their experiences with our reference management and citation tool. Click here to join now!

Hai bisogno di una soluzione semplice per gestire le tue voci BibTeX? Scopri CiteDrive!

  • Gestione di riferimenti moderna e basata sul web
  • Collaborare e condividere con altri ricercatori
  • Integrazione con Overleaf
  • Supporto completo per BibTeX/BibLaTeX
  • Salva articoli e siti web direttamente dal tuo browser
  • Cerca nuovi articoli in un database di decine di milioni di riferimenti
Try out CiteDrive

GitHub Discussions is a new feature introduced by GitHub in 2021 and offers a simple and organized platform for discussions. The platform is designed to be user-friendly and provides a number of features to help keep discussions on-topic and organized.

Our users will now have access to a larger and more engaged GitHub community, which is one of the major benefits of this move (at least one of your hopes and motivations for moving). When they ask general questions about BibTeX/BibLaTeX or the platforms to which CiteDrive connects, they will be able to connect with and learn from other platform users, and we will be able to better manage support requests.

Another benefit of this change is the integration of discussions with Git repositories, which will help CiteDrive become open-source in the future. Our users can then directly reference and link to code snippets, bugs, and related issues from their discussions.

In addition, GitHub Discussions offers thread categorization, reactions, and search capabilities, all aimed at keeping discussions organized and productive.

At CiteDrive, we believe that this move to GitHub Discussions will result in a more productive and engaging experience for our users. We invite all our users to check out the new discussion forums and join the conversation.

Join us in our move to GitHub Discussions and let’s continue to revolutionize reference management and citation!