Presenterar CiteDrive 3.0: håll koll på dina bibliografier, referenser och citeringar på Overleaf och RStudio
CiteDrive 3.0 is out now, and it’s better than ever! We’ve made many improvements, including a better design, more focus on reference management with BibTeX, and better performance. If you’re an Overleaf or RStudio user, be sure to check it out.
Behöver du en enkel lösning för att hantera dina BibTeX-poster? Upptäck CiteDrive!
- Webbaserad, modern referenshantering
- Samarbeta och dela med forskarkollegor
- Integration med Overleaf
- Omfattande stöd för BibTeX/BibLaTeX
- Spara artiklar och webbplatser direkt från din webbläsare
- Sök efter nya artiklar i en databas med tiotals miljoner referenser
Better Bib[La]TeX Overleaf workflow
CiteDrive has better integration with Overleaf and BibLaTeX support. It’s quick and easy to keep your references well organized, but unlike other modern reference management software, we don’t consider BibTeX an afterthought. References can be added and edited with our BibTeX editor, which offers freedom in terms of fields and types. We are here for you whether you use BibTeX, BibLaTex, jurabib, or JBibTEX.
New user interface and dark mode
The next update significantly enhances the user experience based on our users’ comments and numerous drafts and prototypes we have been developing for months. Make sure to check out dark mode, too!
Reference, bibliography, and citation management in RStudio (Posit) in Quarto and R Markdown.
RStudio joins the party and is also compatible with the 3.0 update–adding BibTeX-first referencing to Quarto and R Markdown.
CiteDrive allows you to store your references in a different location from your Quarto/R Markdown process. With our RStudio integration, you may wholly and instantly automatically update the status of your bibliography with the Quarto/R Markdown project at any moment - just as with Overleaf.